Into the future – Patient Digital Medical Records
In August 2017 London Zonal hospital initiated their goal of creating a digitised medical record system to reduce the current paper-based processes and forms.
For the hospital’s clinical teams, this means they will soon be able to manage their patient medical records via a digital device, from anywhere within the hospital, in real time, via a single clinical portal.
Patients will enjoy a reduction in form-fi lling and excellent security of information including data protection. Improved access to patient information also reduces response times in urgent situations, meaning their medical needs can be met faster.
Hospital Manager Carol Ferguson believes the new tailor-made system will provide the capabilities required whilst also being fl exible and time efficient.
“London Zonal hospital requires a product that converts our current paper information into a digital form to facilitate and support effi cient clinical decision making for our surgeon and nursing stakeholders, without introducing additional workfl ow obligations."
Ms Ferguson believes the system will be simple to navigate whilst providing an elegant and nimble solution that can be implemented seamlessly.
“We are aiming to introduce this system with minimal disruption, ensuring we respect the clinical and nursing team’s time”, Ms Ferguson says.